Since the beginning, HQO has been influencing conventional farmers to grow organic by providing them access to the tools, resources, and support they need to excel in organic farming. Some of our Supplier Initiatives include: increasing our farmers income, and helping them with the proper certifications to become organic. In addition to supporting our Growers, we also support the local communities outside of the farm — because we believe that when you take care of families, you take care of the entire community.
We believe it’s our duty and mission to educate those farmers and all those involved in the supply chain about food safety, how to grow their business, good agricultural practices, and helping transition conventional growers to organic.

Conventional-to-Organic Transition program
HQO has a Conventional-to-Organic Transition program. As we travel the world we meet many conventional farmers who want to grow organic, but just don’t know how. At HQO we support these efforts and show these conventional farmers how to leach their land of the conventional pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. We show them the importance of Biodiversity and how to create organic compost and fertilizer right on their own farms. We share with them best practices for organic and all natural ways to rid pests and herbs. Lastly, once the farmland is ready, we provide organic seed and help with organic certification. We believe that by helping these conventional farms transition to organic, we are doing our small part to make this world a more sustainable place for future generations.
In addition to our initiatives with organic farming, we believe passionately in helping our grower communities.

Supporting the Gashora Girls Academy
Each year, HQO sponsors several students at the Rwanda Girls Initiative in Africa. The Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology, was founded to enable Rwanda’s young women to reach their full potential, becoming the future scientists, entrepreneurs, advocates, and thought leaders that the world needs. These young women will bring insights and solutions to the biggest global challenges we face.

Fresh water for families in India
In Rajasthan, India, many farmers and their families struggle to have clean drinking water, despite the fact that India receives about 400 million hectare meters of rain annually - but 70% of surface water is unfit for human consumption due to pollution. HQO helps to support these growers by sponsoring new fresh-water well construction in areas that are densely populated by farming communities. HQO believes that providing access to fresh water for these families is not a privilege but a necessity, we see it as our duty to help take care of tomorrow’s future.

Supporting better vision for children
India has an estimated 320,000 blind children, more than any other country in the world. This is largely linked to a very high poverty rate in India. Blindness increases poverty by reducing employment opportunities. HQO sponsors a number of cataract surgeries that reverse blindness and donates hundreds of pairs of glasses that can help restore sight. HQO believes that helping to eradicate blindness and restoration of sight will help those in poverty to have a better quality of life, which will in-turn positively impact the economies of these nations.
By partnering with
High Quality Organics…
You are helping to support the betterment of humankind around the globe. Together, we can do our part to positively impact this world and make it a better place for future generations.