Returns & Exchanges
Non-Returnable Items
- Product that is not in the original packaging bearing the original manufacture label.
- Products sold more than 30 days ago.
- Product that is less than six (6) months prior to the expiration date.
- Product returned without a Returned Authorization (RA).
- Product obtained other than through normal channels of distribution or purchased from a source other than an authorized distributor of record of HQO’s.
- Product involved in a fire sale, sacrifice sale, bankruptcy, flood, or earthquake.
- Product deteriorated or damaged due to conditions beyond the control of the manufacturer, such as improper storage, heat, cold, water, smoke, fire, negligence, etc.
- Non-original or repackaged product. This includes other labels added to and/or removed from the product package.
- Product sold with specific understanding that it is non-returnable.
- Merchandise that is obtained in violation of state and federal regulations.
- Product that has been donated (at no charge to customer).
- Returned products by customer due to Temperature Control issue:
- HQO does not receive product that has been rejected by a customer due to carrier error or equipment malfunction while in transit.
- A claim will be made with the carrier and all products will be destroyed once the claim has been resolved.
Should you have further questions, please feel free to contact your Sales Representative.